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Wand 02

Wand 02

Wand 01 - a dry mixture of gray or brown–gray color (depends on the manufacturer of the mineral constituents of the material).


  • Devices of waterproofing waterproofing curtains and screens in the ground when installing walling for various purposes, pits, quarries, hydrotechnical structures, dams, etc., using injection technology, mixing, jet grouting in various rocks;
  • Waterproofing device using the clay castle technology.


Consumption for the preparation of 1m3 mixture solution From W/T solution
W/T for jet grouting 0.8-1.0
The density of the finished solution W/T=1.0 1300-1400 kg/m3
W/T for cementation of soils and boreinjection works 0.5-1.0
Bulk density of the material +/- 10% 1100 kg/m3
Life of the solution
The strength of the solution W / T on the 28th day 15 MPa
Minimum clay powder content: not less than 5 %
Recommended value of the indicator of the reaction of the medium for water during cooking 6.0-9.5 pH
After hardening
Operation in aggressive environments 5 < pH < 14
Climatic areas of application all