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Gasinject GEO

Gasinject GEO

Modified, self-expanding, quick-setting, finely dispersed, cement-based mineral mixture intended for the creation of geotechnical and building structures for various purposes, raising structures with brown injection technology, injection work to strengthen and modify soils. It has high permeability in various types of soils, slow filling of pores, voids after injection in the standard injection mode.


  • In any technological systems associated with filling man-made and natural voids, including with a small opening.
  • Injection work to strengthen the soil.
  • Joint use with geotechnical systems as a material for filling karst voids, zones of dumping of clastic rocks, zones of fractures;
  • When raising the foundations of buildings and other structures using the technology of injection into the surrounding soil, together with the use of geotechnical drilling and injection systems and separately, it has high strength and density — the degree of increase in volume (depending on the volume of mixing water).
  • When arranging wells for various purposes, as quick-setting, self-expanding up to 2 times from the initial volumes of the mineral system, which provides quick filling of the required interval of the well or other fill volume- BSS
  • Grouting mixture to prevent catastrophic absorption of flushing fluids and filling voids in buildings and structures.


WATER / POWDER Ratio water-solid ratio 0.5-1.0
Cooking water temperature +5-30ºС
Ambient temperature from +5°С to +40ºС
The expansion coefficient 1.5-2.5
Reaction start (from air temperature) 20-50 min
Strength on the 1st day, not less than 0.1 MPa