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Construction of pile foundations

The construction of pile foundations is a modern, fast and economical way to strengthen the building on weakly bearing soil (peat, sand, loam, etc.). Here, as in the case of the installation of soil anchors, it is not necessary to dig a pit, violate the integrity of the surface and wait for the accumulation of strength by the material.

Work can be carried out both in winter and in summer. The foundation is ready for operation almost immediately after installation, is mounted without heavy equipment, obsessive noise and vibration, is cheaper, withstands even intense loads.

Areas of application

  • Household buildings (baths, garages, houses, arbors, fences, children's playgrounds and complexes);
  • Production and commercial facilities (factories, hangars, workshops, billboards, power lines);
  • Socially significant objects (bridges, embankments, overpasses, piers, etc.).


This type of site preparation has 2 features:

1. If work on the installation of pile foundations is carried out in soil with increased humidity, special attention should be paid to waterproofing of pile elements.

2. Serious survey and design work is required before installing screw piles. It is enough to allow a small error in the depth or location of the supports in order to expose the entire structure to the danger of collapse. For this reason, it is not recommended to carry out such work yourself, the risks are too high.


Application Area

Production and storage facilities
Private homes and buildings
Shopping centers, office buildings
Bridges and tunnels
Linear structures


Bohren 01

Arrangement of geotechnical drilling elements using helical drilling multifunctional drilling systems

Bohren 02 KRIO

Development of geotechnical elements using helical drilling multifunctional systems in permafrost and winter conditions

Anker Fast

To generate root elements in rocks and building constructions with high requirements for load-bearing capacity, including as an additive in Portland cement.

Injektion 01

Is used in the construction and operation of railway and road tunnels, subway tunnels, mine shafts, tunnels and other underground structures.

Injektion 02

Strengthening concrete and stone structures by injection and using anchor systems

Injektion KRIO 01

Grouting of structures and soils with their modifications in the conditions of permafrost soils and low temperatures.

Wand 02

Devices of waterproofing waterproofing curtains and screens in the ground when installing walling for various purposes, pits, quarries, hydrotechnical structures, dams, etc.