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Anti-filtration curtain

Antifiltrational veil

The construction of pits quite often encounters flooding with groundwater. Anti-filtration curtain equipment is used for protection.

There are 3 options for such hygroscopic protection equipment:

  • On the side walls of the pit, if the inflow of groundwater is predicted in this direction;
  • To the bottom of the pit when there is a danger of flooding from below.
  • Reinforcement all over the contour, for reliable moisture protection of the whole structure.

The choice of technology for this type of pit fencing depends on the features of the site.

Application Area

Production and storage facilities
Private homes and buildings
Shopping centers, office buildings
Bridges and tunnels
Linear structures


Anker Fast

To generate root elements in rocks and building constructions with high requirements for load-bearing capacity, including as an additive in Portland cement.

GEO Schützen

Manufacture of boring-injection piles, anchors, nails, elemental elements with the use of multifunctional geotechnical systems.

Wand 01

Comprehensive material for the combined use of the technology for developing slotted trenches “wall in soil” as a bentonite solution.

Wand 02

Devices of waterproofing waterproofing curtains and screens in the ground when installing walling for various purposes, pits, quarries, hydrotechnical structures, dams, etc.