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Wand 01

Wand 01

Wand 01 - a dry mixture of gray or brown–gray color (depends on the manufacturer of the mineral constituents of the material).

Composition: cement, finely dispersed mineral aggregates and modifying additives. When mixed with water, it forms a stable solution used in trenching and is subsequently an anti-filter element.


  • Devices of waterproofing waterproofing curtains and screens in the ground when constructing the enclosing structures of liquid waste storages according to SP 127. 133330.2017, pits, quarries, hydrotechnical structures, dams, etc., using the “wall in soil” technology in various rocks;
  • Production of similar works using soil mixing technologies;
  • Waterproofing the foundations and structures of industrial and civil construction by injection.
  • Waterproofing device using the clay castle technology.


Consumption for the preparation of 1 m3 mixture solution 330 kg
Water consumption for preparing 1 m3 of solution (W/T=2.7-3.0) 900-1000 l
Density of the finished solution 1.15-1.18 g/cm3
Maximum aggregate fraction 0.63 mm
Viscosity 35-45 C
Daily sediment of water no more 15 %
Recommended value of the indicator of the reaction medium for water during cooking от 6-9.5 pH