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Strengthening of slopes and slopes

The presence of any, even insignificant, surface slope on the site is the risk of soil slipping and soil mobility. In some cases, you can do with plant planting activities, the roots of which will reliably fix the upper layer in the right place. In some situations, serious measures will be required to install special elements to strengthen the slope from a slide.

Are you planning construction on a tilted site? We recommend thinking in advance about strengthening the soil on the slope. Especially if we are talking about large facilities.

Types of soil reinforcement in complex areas:

  • Artificial alignment of the terrain, elimination of surface differences;
  • Work with soil strength characteristics;
  • Equipment of internal and external restraints.

A number of measures can also be taken to drain and equip drainage systems, plant planting.

Slope Reinforcement Options

1. Equipment of retaining walls

If the foundation of the structure is located in a layer of stable soil, but a movable formation of a certain thickness and sliding surface is located on the adjacent section, it can be strengthened using a retaining wall. The material can be any (concrete, stone, brick, etc.). The main parameters depend on the project based on the results of the site survey. This option is most often used to strengthen the earth slope.

2. Installation of structures from piles

If the layer of movable soil is thick enough to hold it in one place, pile structures are used. Most often, bored, finished reinforced concrete, wooden or steel variations are used. Such reinforcing elements are mounted by pressing, screwing, driving or vibration loading, but only if the conditions of the location of the object allow this. A variant with a solid reinforcing element is called a tongue. Combination of piles and retaining walls is allowed. This type of fixation is suitable for strengthening fill slopes.

3. Protection GEO equipment (grids, lattices, textiles)

This option is widely used to strengthen slopes in sections and slopes of roads. The essence of this method is to fix a special (most often synthetic) porous material on the surface, the gaps in which are filled with various fillers (including plant materials), depending on the goals and features of the project.

4. Gabions

This technology helps protect against landslides. Blocks are formed from metal mesh with hexagonal cells, which are filled with small and medium stones of strong rocks. This method is suitable even for areas with strong differences and for the lowest part of the slope.

If we are talking about summer cottages, then most often they use the method of planting shrubs and plants, the arrangement of terraces and light retaining walls made of improvised materials.


Application Area

Production and storage facilities
Private homes and buildings
Shopping centers, office buildings
Bridges and tunnels
Linear structures


Anker Fast

To generate root elements in rocks and building constructions with high requirements for load-bearing capacity, including as an additive in Portland cement.

Injektion 01

Is used in the construction and operation of railway and road tunnels, subway tunnels, mine shafts, tunnels and other underground structures.

Injektion 02

Strengthening concrete and stone structures by injection and using anchor systems

Injektion KRIO 01

Grouting of structures and soils with their modifications in the conditions of permafrost soils and low temperatures.

Wand 02

Devices of waterproofing waterproofing curtains and screens in the ground when installing walling for various purposes, pits, quarries, hydrotechnical structures, dams, etc.